Remember that God is working for you, even  though you haven't  seen  any results yet.  He has not forgotten you.

Remember that God will give you  peace, if you let Him worry for you.

Remember that God loves you , as you  are, not  as others see you.

Remember that God knows what you need before  you ask Him.

Remember that God has a plan for you. Let Him  work and stay out of it.

Remember that God often speaks through  others, so you need to speak  less, and listen more.

Remember that God also likes to be praised for doing a good job.

Remember that God wants only what is best for you.  But don't be  disappointed if it isn't what you  expected.

Remember that God finds pleasure in hearing your daily  prayers.  No-one likes to be  ignored and prayer is your open line of communication.

Remember that God is willing to hold you  up,when your load get too heavy to bear.

Remember that God, in His infinite      wisdom, gave you free will.  So do the very best you can with your special gift.

Remember that God is always with you. There is nowhere you can go that God can't find you.
And last, but not least.

Remember that God  is never disappointed in you.  He knows who you really are, and He  understands  all of your actions.  Even if you don't.



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