I set sail upon the ocean in my pretty little boat.
I knew that I was all alone and had to stay afloat.
The sun was fair and all was well as far as I could see,
I felt as though the ocean was created just for me.

My little boat was topping, upon each gentle wave,
And I was out there all alone and feeling very brave.
I can do this by myself, I don’t need anyone;
This ocean is my playground, and I am having fun.

I guess I didn’t notice when the wind began to grow,
Or I was just too smug to see, as it commenced to blow.
And when the sun was hidden, behind a stormy sky,
I knew I had to get to shore, at least I had to try.

Upon great waves my little boat was being sorely tossed,
Somehow I knew without a doubt, that I was really lost.
How  were they to find me, no-one knew that I was here,
I see no help for there is not another boat that’s near.

So in my anguish I cried out " Please help me God, I pray
That you  forgive a foolish man who simply lost his way.
I should have checked the weather, before I left the shore,
But I was too self-satisfied and thought I knew the score."

"Please help me God, I’m sorry for the things I didn’t do,
I saw no need for anyone, especially not a crew.
And now I’m out here all alone with not a help in sight,
I don’t want to die here, and I’m really filled with fright."

All at once I knew that I was here alone no more,
That with me was an angel who would guide me to the shore.
The angel spoke and said to me, " God has felt your pain."
And suddenly the stormy sky was just a gentle rain.

The waves were calm, my little boat again was mine to steer,
Never again would I feel alone because God’s help is near.
I only had to ask for help for God to see me through,
And let me tell you friend, that He will do no less for you.


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