To Dream

I think I'll go to sleep and dream
 Of better days and times,
When children all grow up polite
And streets are free of crimes.

I'll vision days of happiness
 Where no-one endures sorrow,
And each and everyone of us
Looks forward to tomorrow.

I'm in a place where everyone
Wants only what is best.
And when your world becomes confused,
You simply stop and rest.

There's no such thing as poverty
And our bodies are never sick,
We glow with inner sunshine
And our laughter's much and quick.

I'll sit and muse neath cloudless skies,
On the wonders of life's scheme,
But then I'll wake and see that it
Was only a beautiful dream.

There must be a way to awaken
And find that it all  was true,
But the only way that can happen,
Is up to me and you.






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