If I was a fairy, how happy I would be,
I'd live deep in the forest in a giant maple tree.
I'd play among the flowers and gaze up at the sky,
And when I call on friends, I'd ride upon a butterfly.

The elves would come to visit at least one day a week,
And we would have a picnic by the babbling creek.
With magic all around us Grandpa Oak would say,
He knew of all the glory in our bygone yesterday.

He would tell us of the dragons that roamed upon the earth,
Long before the wizards and long before our birth.
With fiery breath they ruled the world as if it was their own,
Solitude and loneliness was all they'd ever known.

One day Mother Goddess said, "I need to create a being,
To help repair the earth of the destruction I am seeing.
Since a dragons big and scaly, I need someone light and airy.
I'll create a magical one that I will call a fairy."

"The fairy will preserve all good by planting magic seeds,
That grow up all around the world as natural good deeds.
And though they will be tiny, and surely always hide,
They will spread the joy of hope, all the worldwide."

Do not believe they don't exist for they are truly here,
Sustaining all the magic, that grows from year to year.
If I was a fairy there's only one thing I would do,
I'd spread my magical joy and love to you.



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