I sat down to write a ditty about a little kitty,
But it simply didn't happen quite that way.
With a pencil in my hand I knew it would be grand,
But the words I needed wouldn't come my way.

So I thought perhaps a dog, or then again a frog,
Might be a better topic for my rhyme.
I gathered up some paper, I was ready for this caper,
But I found it was an awful uphill climb.

The words are there I thought but they again were naught,
I said "Maybe this is harder than I think."
As I sat there at the table thinking I'm not able,
My self-respect began to plunge and sink.

I gave up on the ditty but boy my thoughts weren't pretty,
You would think this would have been an easy mission.
I'll not do this ever because I am just not clever,
So instead of writing odes, I'm going fishin'.



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