Today I met a man who said,
"Please let me be your friend.
There 's no need to go further,
For you're nearing journeys end."

"At the bend down by the river,
There will be a boat for you,
Climb in and tell the oarsman,
That he's to take you through."

Sure enough, the boat was there,
But I did not see my friend.
"Oarsman" I said, "Is it very far?"
He said, "Just around the bend."

As I looked out on the water,
I was suddenly filled with fear.
Where was this oarsman taking me?
What am I doing here?

Where had the stranger come from?
What did I have in store?
Was he an angel from Satan?
Bringing me to his door?

As I watched the oars in the water,
I became almost mesmerized.
While the boat was rocking gently,
I was filled with sweet surprise.

For as the bend grew nearer,
I knew what I would see,
Those that I had loved and lost,
When death had set them free.

"Oarsman" I said, "I am ready,
To ford the curve ahead.
I know my life is over now,
But I'm not filled with dread."

We started around the corner,
My heart was wild and free.
I was hoping that my friend,
Was waiting there for me.

"Oarsman, there, I see him,
Standing near the shore.
With a beautiful gate behind him,
That has an open door."

The oarsman said, "Behold Him,
This man is Heaven's Prince,
But at this time you only get,
One moments golden glimpse."

"He only wanted you to know,
That no matter what you do,
He'll be standing by this gate,
Waiting just for you."

"And when your time is over,
And your life has reached its end.
I'll be waiting with my boat,
To take you round the bend."


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