How many times have you heard people say,
That they've learned from the school of hard knocks?
And nothing has ever been handed to them,
But the usual stumbling blocks.

Oh how they whimper and whine all day,
And complain that the world's getting worse.
They don't like their neighbors because they are strange,
And they never stop and converse.

Why raise a finger to help someone else?
They sure wouldn't do it for you.
Everyone lives in their own little world,
They don't care about what you may do.

I'm here to tell you you're wrong my friend,
There really are people who care.
Those who are willing to help you along,
But first you must learn to  share.

Give of yourself, if no more than a smile,
Say "Good morning" to people you pass.
Much can be learned from these two small things,
And the rewards you gain will last.

There's so much good around you now,
If your eyes could only see.
This world can be no better than,
Those in it  ~ like you and me.



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