I walked up to the gates of Hell,
And ask to enter in.
I knew this was where I belonged,
For I was filled with sin.

The keeper of the gate said,"First,
There's one thing you must do.
For all the applicants to Hell,
Must have an interview."

"Have you hurt scores of others,
As you've traveled on your path?
And have you left behind you,
The products of your wrath?"

"How many times I ask you,
Were there promises you've broken?
And tell me of the many words
Of discontent you've spoken."

"Were you filled with vengeance,
And glad for another's pain?
Did you walk over people
For a monetary gain?"

"Did you lie and steal and cheat,
Or kick a child for fun?
Tell me what has brought you here,
What evils have you done?"

I said to the being before me,
"At some time I've done them all.
But sin is sin, no matter what,
There is no big or small."

"I did not mean to do them,
It just seemed to happen that way.
And now I stand before your gate,
And for all I am ready to pay."

"Please let me in I beg you,
I know you have the space;
For I have turned away from God,
And fallen from His grace."

"I wanted to repent and change,
I've been told I have enough sin,
So open up your gate to Hell,
And let me enter in."

The keeper of the gate replied,
"You cannot be our guest.
There is still some good in you,
So you have failed our test."

"Please be kind enough to leave,
You do not fit in our scheme."
And then I woke to find that this,
Was nothing but a dream.

But dreams are sometimes omens,
And though they may seem strange;
If you think upon their content,
They will tell you what to change.

Listen to what they are saying.
For this I have found to be true,
God's voice is behind your visions,
Telling you what to do.


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