I quietly sat in wonder,
As a spider wove her snare.
She patiently drew it together,
It was a work of art, I swear.

There was logic in what she was doing,
And her web was a story untold.
All I could do was sit and watch,
And wait for the tale to unfold.

Each thread of the intricate pattern,
Brought strength to it as a whole,
Every strand had a definite purpose,
As the lady worked on toward her goal.

But as I examined this masterpiece,
I understod how our lives had begun.
Our entire being; mind, body and soul,
Is a web that God's hands have spun.

Each strand has purpose and meaning,
A narrative known just to Him.
An elaborate work on His golden loom,
Built with love and not on a whim.

I give thanks to the greatest of weavers,
For through a humble spider I saw,
God also had reason and purpose,
And He spun us without any flaws.



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